« True morality consists not in following the beaten track, but in finding the true path for ourselves, and fearlessly following it. » Mahatma Gandhi

I decided to begin this page with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi that reflects exactly the way I decided to follow my personal and professional path, that has never developed on pre-established tracks but has always followed my aspirations and my ideas.

My career is focused on computer science, I have a bachelor's degree of computer science obtained at the Università Degli Studi Di Padova and previously I studied at the "F. Severi" High School of Padua.

In 2013 I published one of my projects online making it open source, its name is acpi_call_GUI and you can read more about it in the appropriate section of this site.

I currently work as a software developer at GPI.

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My knowledge ranges from software engineering to the administration of operating systems, including the administration of computer networks. I tutor junior resources and I know the most common programming languages like Java, Angular, Typescript, Javascript, C, C++, SQL and others. I am also very interested in the GNU/Linux world as well as open source software in general, in the future I would like to contribute to the development of KDE and Mozilla software.

If you want more information about my background contact me at career@marcodallalibera.it, I will send my Curriculum Vitae to all the companies that will want to request it. I also kindly invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn, where you can find the latest information about my career.